Company News and Updates
February is American Heart Month, and maintaining good health is an important way to live longer and stronger, and happier. When the body is…
Sometimes getting a little older isn’t always easy. You may move a little slower, your diet may be more restricted, and you may have more…
When patients receive their hospital discharges after a critical illness or injury, but still need care, several types of facilities can…
With the holidays upon us and chilly weather popping up nationwide, let’s talk about some possible health issues that could affect those…
No one wants to fall victim to the flu and many will do whatever it takes to avoid it. Here are some facts about the flu as you prepare…
As we continue through Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Awareness Month, we want to talk about recognizing some of the early signs of…
The sun and heat can be very dangerous to your health and PAM Health wants to make sure you are armed with information to battle these…
For two weeks in May, we celebrate a fortnight of appreciation in the healthcare industry. Celebrate Nurses Week and Hospitals Week with us!
Traumatic brain injury is a serious condition, and many aren’t aware of the full scope of its effects.
Post Acute Medical, LLC, (PAM) announced today that it has acquired nine long-term acute care hospitals from LifeCare Holdings, which filed…