Ms. Pilzner

Ms. Pilzner.pngMs. Pilzner was an active 66 year old grandmother assisting in the everyday activities of her grandchildren when she sustained a fall on April 12, 2016.

The fall resulted in a fracture to her upper left extremity which caused her severe pain and she decided on utilizing a heating pad for pain relief. Unfortunately one evening, after going to rest, the heating pad was left on while on her body resulting in severe burns that required immediate medical attention. The fracture, along with the burns, left Ms. Pilzner immobile which led to a sacral wound and needing to be admitted to PAM Specialty Hospital of Victoria - South.

Ms. Pilzner began physical therapy to address muscle weakness, decreased left upper extremity range of motion and an overall decrease in independence with functional mobility. After therapy interventions, she was able to advance to being independent with bed mobility, transfers and is able to ambulate with a single point cane. With the assistance of the doctors, nursing, therapists, and supportive staff at Post Acute Medical, Ms. Pilzner was able to be discharged home with her family, she said

 “I really appreciate all you have done for me.”